仙逆网 > 斗罗大陆5重生唐三 > 第794章 天空王主,超级血脉?

第794章 天空王主,超级血脉?



































“Phoenix Lord, this, this ……” The Crystal Phoenix Great Demon Emperor opened his arms and stopped in front of the Immortal Great Demon Emperor, crying, “Don’t be angry, why don’t I cut a part of my life essence to replenish you, I am still young anyway. It’s okay.”

“Bullshit, cutting the life essence? How dare you think of that. Cut the life essence first not to mention how much will be wasted because of the loss, you will directly fall from the position of the emperor. Do you think you are very strong?” The Immortal Great Demon Emperor roared.

The Crystal Phoenix Great Demon Emperor said with a bitter face, “Then, then how should this be?”

The Immortal Great Demon Emperor almost spurted out a mouthful of blood, at this time is really dumb, there is a bitterness can not say ah! The White Tiger Great Demon Emperor didn’t know what to say at this moment, he is also an emperor, of course, he understands what the situation is like when three tenths of the emperor’s bloodline origin is cut off. The newest and most popular of these is the newest and most popular of these is the newest and most popular of these is the newest and most popular of these is the newest and most popular of these is the newest and most popular of these is the newest and most popular of these is the newest and most popular of these is the newest and most popular of these is the newest and most popular of these is the newest and most popular of all. Immortal great demon emperor gloomy face, he is really some regret, never thought that the beauty grandson’s native divine weapon will be so domineering ah!

Surprisingly, it was able to break free from the suppression of his divine sense and sword cut the origin.

Kill? The two guys in front of him, how to kill? However, this loss is really too big to eat. Even if the immortal fire phoenix clan is the best at recovery, consumed so much origin, how long it takes to recover? Can you recover? He is not sure, after all, there has never been an undying fire phoenix to do this before. Just then, the sound of the luan and phoenix chanting became brighter and brighter. Numerous phoenix light shadows began to coalesce behind the beauty gongzi, transforming into a pair of huge phoenix wings that stretched out behind her. Reflecting her stunningly beautiful body more noble.

The aura of the beautiful princess was completely stabilized in the middle stage of the Great Demon King, and her strength was obviously raised to another level. On the forehead, the light and shadow of the phoenix plume appeared, the same as the undying Great Demon Emperor appeared on the forehead before.

At this time, a strange ring of light emanates from under her, the ring of light color is seven colors, not red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, purple seven colors, but gold, silver, red, white, blue, black, pink, the seven colors. Seven colors, magnificent and unusual.

“New field! This is ……” The pupils of the Great Demon Emperor of the White Tiger contracted.

While at this time, the Crystal Phoenix Great Demon Emperor and the Immortal Great Demon Emperor were both wide-eyed, because there was a sense in their divine sense at the same time.

“The Sky King Lord? Not good, her bloodline is going to evolve.” The Immortal Great Demon Emperor cried out in shock, his face full of shock, and even his previous anger was missing.

Bloodline evolution, of course, is a good thing. But it also depends on what level of bloodline evolution it is. Low-level bloodline evolution, that for any race is a great good thing, the only exception is the first level of bloodline, because the first level of bloodline evolution, that is the level of super bloodline ah! However, the super bloodline for the heaven and earth, will immediately suffer from the backlash and heavenly wrath, which is what Tang San encountered when evolving bloodline.

So, at this moment, when several emperors suddenly discovered that the beautiful son’s bloodline was about to evolve, how could they not be shocked?

Relatively calm, only the White Tiger Great Demon Emperor, because in Tang San he has long seen the super bloodline, but also personally felt the terror of the super bloodline.

But it is clear that the beauty grandson can not evolve now, especially not in the ancestral court evolution. One day there is a super bloodline evolution, will certainly be a vision, even the emperor can not be sealed, after all, the heavenly wrath is external ah!

No half hesitation, the undying great demon emperor can not care about his own origin, the blazing undying fire phoenix breath and powerful divine sense directly released, to the beauty gongzi pouring, the only way to suppress her bloodline, not to let the bloodline evolution, is the best solution. Otherwise, not to mention the other, at least the beauty gongzi has the phoenix bloodline will be exposed. Can the Ancestral Court allow her to complete the super bloodline evolution? Can the Heaven’s Condemnation carry it? These are all questions.

The blazing bloodline fluctuations suppressed the seven-colored light, isolating everything from the outside world, while also suppressing the bloodline fluctuations of the Beauty Gongzi inwards. The Immortal Great Demon Emperor was most familiar with the state of Duke Mei’s body because he had just helped her complete her awakening. His own divine sense merged into her body, forcibly isolating the linkage between the Peacock Transformation and the Immortal Transformation, separating the two and not allowing the bloodline fusion to evolve.

The crystal phoenix great demon emperor is watching from the side is also dry anxious, his cultivation is inferior to the immortal great demon emperor, the state of the beautiful son is also not enough to understand. I can only be with the white tiger great demon emperor, from the side of the guard, each released breath will be completely isolated from the outside world.

It took a full quarter of an hour for the seven-colored glow emanating from the body to fade away, while the aura of the Phoenix bloodline, which had just awakened, was also converging.

The Immortal Great Demon Emperor’s face showed a hint of exhaustion and withdrew his divine sense and bloodline power. Only, at this time, there was no longer anger in his eyes, there was only a strange and complicated look.

The Sky King Lord ah! What does that represent? That was the level he had pursued all his life, even though really attempting a super bloodline would most likely result in a dimensional backlash. Biyi, there was no way for this realm to emerge as an existence above the Great Demon Emperor. However, that is after all the sky king lord, controlling the sky. If he really possessed such a bloodline, then the entire sky would be his own domain, and any flying demon race, essence race, or any race, could only bow down before him and become his vassal.

But he never expected that what he had pursued all his life would just present itself in the beauty grandson. And it was still a fusion of his own bloodline.

In this way, it seems that the phoenix and the peacock should not be fighting with each other, but should only be cooperating with each other. All along, the phoenix demon race and the peacock demon race had surprisingly gone the wrong way.

The impact and shock of this discovery on this Immortal Great Demon Emperor was tremendous. His eyes also became more and more complicated. Countless years of fighting for the king of the hundred birds turned out to be just a digestion. The Peacock Demon Race that had been suppressing should not be an opponent, but rather an ally!

It can be seen from the fact that the two bloodlines on the beauty duke fit so well, if the Phoenix Demon Race and the Peacock Demon Race work together, then the combat power will definitely show a geometric increase.

Once when the Peacock Great Demon Emperor appeared, he was also confronted with himself, and even fought more than once. At that time, the self, completely unable to helpless that can see the heavenly opportunity of the guy. Now that I think about it, if I could unite with it at that time, what would be the scene? Is it possible to suppress even the Crystal Great Demon Emperor?

For a while, all kinds of mixed thoughts kept surfacing in the Peacock Great Demon Emperor’s mind, and his mood was even more mixed.

Suppressed bloodline did not continue to evolve in the direction of the beautiful son, the body breath has gradually converged. Sitting in the center of the immortal fire phoenix bloodline, in the immortal great demon emperor’s suppression is limited to a certain range, and with the help of the white tiger great demon emperor that white tiger change isolated, so that the two bloodlines do not touch together.

When the beauty grandson slowly opened his eyes, the three emperors’ gaze coincidentally fell on her.

The Great Demon King is in the middle stage, or the Great Demon Emperor with the three first level bloodlines in the middle stage, the head of a clan, the lord of a city, the absolute pride of heaven, the future emperor ah!

The White Tiger Great Demon Emperor’s face naturally showed a smile, through the evolution of the bloodline just now, the Immortal Great Demon Emperor thought of, he naturally thought of it. From now on, it is estimated that the confrontation between the Phoenix Demon Clan and the Peacock Demon Clan will disappear. The state of hostility between the two races will be completely lifted.



《三国演义》是中国古典四大名著之一,是中国第一部长篇章回体历史演义小说,全名为《三国志通俗演义》(又称《三国志演义》),作者是元末明初的著名小说家罗贯中。 《三国志通俗演义》成书后有嘉靖壬午本等多个版本传于世,到了明末清初,毛宗岗对《三国演义》整顿回目、修正文辞、改换诗文。
江忱最近总是做一个梦,梦里的他很疯。 疯到强迫自己的死对头言斐跟了他三年。 还疯到点了把火烧了艘船顺带着把自己也给烧死了。 江家人觉得江忱最近很不对劲,动不动就发怒暴躁,发起疯来六亲不认,动辄打砸。 就在江家人拿江忱没办法时,言斐淡淡说了句:再发疯,就滚出去。 就在大家以为江忱会把言斐狠揍一顿时,江忱却奇迹般的平静了下来,甚至还小心翼翼地问言斐:刚才没伤着你吧? 众人大惊失色,江忱怕不是真的疯了。 江忱他爸看到了希望,去言家拿了言斐的行李放到了江忱的房间,说:以后江忱归你管。 江忱看着言斐将自己的东西一点一点占据了他的房间,而自己的东西则被堆积到了角落里,最后怂怂的问:我晚上能睡床吗?三分之一就行。 言斐懒懒道:看你表现吧。 言斐重生回到十七岁,本来想拯救一下发了疯的江忱,避免他落得个玉石俱焚的下场,没曾想来到江家后发现晚了,江忱已经开始发疯了。 发了疯的江忱很听话。…


一命二运三风水,四积阴德五读书,六名七相八敬神,九交贵人十养生! 命字当先,此为先天之命,不可更改。此后,读书、行善积德、广交良友,谓之改命。 命有轻重,但无贵贱。有钱莫作妖,无事莫算命。作为一位渐冻症患者,苏晨机缘巧合之下,得柳树传道,为自救,走上一条改命之路。










文案1. 邱漾的女友跟她分了手,转头就宣布了自己和另一个男人的婚期,并且还盛情邀请她去婚礼当自己的伴娘。 邱漾:你有毛病? 为了消解心中苦闷,邱漾报了个旅行团。 结果旅行倒没怎么旅行,天天只和另一个女人待在房间里,嗓子都快哑了。 七天旅行结束,两人互不联系。 邱漾只当这是场艳遇,也不放在心上。 回到城市之后,没多久却在会议室再度遇见对方。 对方叫沈柠若,是合作公司的高冷总监,脸色如霜,听说她眉头一皱底下的人连大气都不敢喘一声。 邱漾:? 邱漾:不是吧,她在我面前不是这样 文案2: 沈柠若谈了一年的男友是别人的未婚夫,并且婚期将至。 在知道真相的那一刻,她非常平静,只是看着女方跟女友搂抱的照片发了会儿呆。 发来前方战报的朋友啧了一声:我觉得你们俩都很惨,被这对狗男女骗了。 沈柠若扬眉:那我不得跟她见见? 谁知这一见她却成了对方拿来转移注意力的艳遇对象。…
不良少年,热血轻狂! 这是一个懦弱少年成长的故事。少年王浩,初中被欺三年,以为考上高中会有所改变,岂料在这里又碰上了初中的老对头 接下来的三年要怎么过,忍辱偷生还是挥拳反抗,少年王浩面临最艰难的选择。 李毅吧神贴之一,点击数亿;磨铁中文网超人气小说,引发校园黑道狂潮,千万不容错过!


最新小说: 你能不能不撩我 万道龙皇 凡人修仙传 大龟甲师 当年万里觅封侯 这个锅我背了![快穿] 神纹道 沥川往事 大湖小妹 长风渡(嫁纨绔) 学神每天都在想离婚