仙逆网 > 斗罗大陆5重生唐三 > 第804章 天狐的担忧

第804章 天狐的担忧








































Although the current Tang San is not yet the level of the former God King, but after crossing the Nine Heavens and One Earth Great Destruction Annihilation God Tribulation, he has reverted to a true god and goddess, the ability of this god and goddess can not be used to dry combat, but can be in the field belonging to his own, play an unimaginable divine might.

Under the grand wish, he blessed the entire Endless Blue Sea with his own deity. Although because of his current cultivation level he could not at the same moment cause the boundless endless blue sea to be illuminated with this blessed golden light, but the blessing of the sea god would spread out to the whole endless blue sea driven by the sea water.

When he arrived last time, because of limited time, Tang San did not have time to complete this step. But now that he’s back, he has plenty of time. With a grand wish to bless the Endless Blue Sea, but also in this way, to all the creatures in the Endless Blue Sea notice, their God, descend! The Endless Blue Sea, has its own guardian.

With the Crescent Island as the center, as long as the sea race that first felt the golden light of blessing, they all burrowed out of the sea at the first time and worshipped in the direction of Tang San.

They are so excited at this time, they clearly feel that God’s light descending on itself, they feel happiness and security from the bottom of their hearts. The endless blue sea finally has its own guardian, the endless blue sea also finally ushered in its own luck.

Countless faith power also rushed towards the direction of the crescent island, frantically pouring into Tang San’s body.

It strengthened his divine sense, allowing the golden light of blessing to blossom into an even stronger luster.

Ancestral Court. In the Heavenly Fox Palace, the Heavenly Fox Great Demon Emperor sat cross-legged in a huge white light formation. Behind him, the solidified nine-tailed Heavenly Fox was like a solid body, with nine huge long tails swaying and swaying.

A circle of white light constantly from all directions, gushing into the light formation under him. Since the last time Tang Yi crossed the tribulation and consumed nearly half of his Qi, he has been in seclusion. The matter of Crystal City was certainly important, but now he couldn’t care less. There was nothing more important than gathering Qi luck. Being hit by the lightning tribulation was not only a matter of losing nearly half of his qi, but it even made the Heavenly Fox Sacred Mountain unstable and the Ancestral Court’s qi unstable, which was the biggest risk. He had to stabilize his qi and then reabsorb the qi of the entire realm to replenish it. This is not only about the Ancestral Court, but also about the entire Heavenly Fox tribe. If the Heavenly Fox Race lost this qi, then the entire race would collapse.

After a few months of hard work, the formation under the Heavenly Fox Palace was finally stabilized and began to absorb qi infusion again. But to restore the old outlook, it will not be a matter of one day and one night. Even if the Great Demon Emperor of the Heavenly Fox gave his best effort, it would take at least a hundred years before it was possible to re-gather that huge amount of qi.

The fall of the Crystal Great Demon Emperor also had an impact on the qi of the two goblin clans. Originally, all the emperors on the entire Far Blue Star almost all appeared on the goblin continent and also kept the number saturated, which made it impossible for an emperor to be born in other regions. This is also the role of qi luck. But once the Crystal Great Goblin Emperor died, it was equivalent to emptying out a large portion of this part of the cap space. If at this time, an emperor is born outside of the Goblin Continent, that is also possible. This was also an important reason why the Heavenly Fox Great Demon Emperor had to go all out to gather Qi.

He did not continue to stop the Mei Gongzi from debriefing at that time, but then took the Great White Tiger Demon Emperor to exterminate the human settlements, but he also had a deep meaning. The beauty of the son’s talent to their eyes of these emperors can naturally see, this is the future will be able to become the emperor’s existence, as long as the normal cultivation, development, achievement of the emperor is a straightforward path, outstanding talent. Crystal Great Demon Emperor fell, as soon as possible the birth of the emperor for the goblin continent is very significant. Other emperors can take advantage of this opportunity to raise a certain level of cultivation, but the vacant position must also be filled. Well, since the beauty of the Duke can best, of course, it is best for her to fill this position, because the speed is the fastest. But it is necessary to solve the problem of her human identity, exterminate the human colony, so that she has no way back, down to earth to be the emperor of the demon race, this is the meaning of the Great Demon Emperor of the Heavenly Fox to strike.

At this time, the Heavenly Fox Great Demon Emperor, who was continuing to gather qi, suddenly knitted his brows and slowly opened his eyes. Dawei he clearly felt that the qi that was continuously condensing towards him suddenly became much lighter, and the circle of qi that was originally converging towards his direction clearly started to become thinner.

What’s going on?

As one of the most powerful emperors of his generation, by being the emperor who was in charge of qi luck, he clearly felt that something seemed to be diminishing in the middle of his world. The speed of Qi coalescence was clearly decreasing, and it was drastically decreasing. It was as if some existence was competing with him for this qi luck.

But he had absolute confidence that in this aspect of qi luck, he should be the strongest existence in the world, so why would this happen?

The nine long tails of the Heavenly Fox behind the Great Demon Emperor erected at the same time, a circle of white as snow aura instantly expanded from his body, spreading out in all directions.

At once, the spread of the nine long tails with an unparalleled brilliance, the corona of light blooming at the same time, but also to bring him a strange change of breath. At this moment, it was as if he had become the center of the world. The original absorption of faded qi immediately became dense again.

However, this richness only lasted for a short while, and suddenly, the circle of white light suddenly collapsed, turning into wisps of white air currents in all directions.

The Heavenly Fox Demon Emperor let out a stifled grunt and opened his eyes with a look of horror in his eyes.

He has just used his most powerful power to condense qi, but it failed, although in a flash to condense a lot of qi, but these qi can not continue, and not like the past can be a source of condensation.

How could this happen? Since he became an emperor, this has never happened before!

Whether it was for himself, for the Heavenly Fox Clan, or even for the Ancestral Court, this was by no means good news. In other words, the Ancestral Court’s speed of gathering Qi had greatly decreased.

The Heavenly Fox Great Demon Emperor sat in place in a daze, and after a brief moment of shock, he quickly calmed down. Within his heart, he quickly analyzed the reason for this situation to occur.

Soon, he came to the conclusion. There was no other possibility, in this world, the only one who could compete with him for qi was the realm itself.

Last time, when he was forcing his way through the tribulation, the Crystal Great Demon Emperor had used the Lucky Lotus Seed to bribe the Lord of the Realm with the intention of crossing the tribulation and being reborn. In the end, he failed, but gave back a large amount of qi to the Lord of the Realm. It should be that time that he was targeted by the Lord of the Realm? This is to not allow himself to gather more qi to the two goblin clans?

This is to keep the qi luck balanced, to avoid too much doom and gloom coming from outside the goblin continent, thus affecting the realm itself? This must be the case, this is a warning from the realm to itself.

This discovery caused the face of the Heavenly Fox Great Demon Emperor to become increasingly ugly.

He certainly knew that the realm itself had hall control over the entire planet, and as the head of the Heavenly Fox Clan, the contemporary Heavenly Fox Great Demon Emperor, his most important task was to seize the realm’s qi and bestow blessings on the Demon and Elf Clans. This is the reason why he has such a lofty position among the Ancestral Court.

And now, this situation has obviously changed. If he lost his ability to gather qi to the realm, what would that mean? It meant that the Heavenly Fox Clan would go to extinction, which was inevitable. Not being able to continuously gather a large amount of qi, one could only maintain the current situation. When he was around it was fine, everything could still be maintained. But in the future, once he fell, then, the Heavenly Fox tribe can still produce the emperor again? I’m afraid it would be very difficult. If the realm could stop itself from absorbing qi, then, it could also stop the Heavenly Fox Clan from producing another great demon emperor. And the Heavenly Fox Clan, which has no combat power itself, although the bloodline can control luck, but in the absence of an emperor and cannot gather qi for the Ancestral Court, being marginalized is inevitable. And the sky fox tribe such a natural ability, once lost in the ancestral court, then it will be a double kill situation, itself will be increasingly weakened, until extinction.



神武战王小说讲述圣域第一公子男主角江辰遭心爱的人背叛,不幸陨落。灵魂穿越到五百年后,九天大陆一名同名同姓的少年身上。 身怀至尊神脉,掌握无数秘典,江辰发誓要杀回圣域,手刃仇敌。
神澜奇域幽冥珠讲述的是风雨交加,雷电轰鸣,乌云翻滚,天像是一个魔兽,向下方的密林张牙舞爪。 林子里古树参天,枝叶交织生长,密集茂盛,从天空俯瞰,像是一株株西兰花,一丝光亮都透不进去,但在密林的深处,旺盛的火焰沐雨燃烧。点点火星从火堆中啪啪迸溅出去,飞快消失,红色的光在漆黑的林中不断闪烁,像是夏日的萤火虫


燕赵歌第一次穿越,穿到了武道文明繁盛至极的异世界,一头撞进包罗万象,遍收天下经典的神宫藏书楼里,但随后便是一场天地大劫,连神宫也破灭了。 接下来居然第二次穿越,灵魂来到了同一个世界,不知多少年后的时代。 人们发掘承载破灭之后残存的遗留,这里的武道文明重新起步,还处于新一代的发展期。 装了一脑子神宫秘籍宝典的燕赵歌,二次穿越到当前的时代,简直就如同一个人玩惯了地狱模式之后,突然被丢去玩简单模式。 简直不要太爽! 不过在此之前,他先要解决一个问题。 我不是主角?而是跟主角争妹子的反派高富帅师兄? 这剧本不对啊!


《绝世相师》 只有十八年性命的易天,偶得奇书《算神策》窥探天机,从此踏上了与人斗,与鬼斗,与妖斗,与天斗的劫运之路!且看他如何成就史上第一相师的称号!


童年,成长经历,家庭背景,社会关系,创伤…我们不断追溯与求索犯罪者的动机,探寻其中最幽微的喜怒哀乐,不是为了设身处地地同情、乃至于原谅他们,不是为了给罪行以开脱的理由,不是为了跪服于所谓人性的复杂,不是为了反思社会矛盾,更不是为了把自己也异化成怪物——我们只是在给自己、给仍然对这个世界抱有期望的人——寻找一个公正的交待而已。 作者文笔娴熟老练,故事风格幽默却又不失严谨。人物塑造方面生动逼真,笔者通过语言动作等细节,细致勾勒出人物的性格形象。情节方面,感情线充满戏剧性的亮点。此外,文中通过形色人物串联起来的悬疑故事精彩曲折,发人深思,令人欲罢不能。


重回十万年前,武道无双,强者遍地;丹道一途,却刚盛行! 身为神级丹师的秦风,手握无数丹方,通晓各种药法,开始了疯狂的炼丹制药,以一己之力,推动丹道前行。 同时还他修炼了各种顶尖功法,结识了无数的绝色红颜 这一世,他要不留遗憾。
1 纪筝穿进一篇耽美文里,主角攻受相爱相杀三百万字,而他只是个昏庸蛮横的炮灰暴君。 暴君不好当,虎狼环伺,又难又累,好歹只要不崩人设,演好暴君走剧情,他就可以等来主角造.反篡位,将他赶下台封个闲散王爷。 纪筝搓搓手,表示十分期待退休生活。 看到主角攻受宫宴聚头议事。 暴君暗暗激动,阴阳怪气:哦?王爷可是有事瞒着朕。 看到主角秋猎拔得头筹。 暴君大为赞赏,冷言讥讽:王爷好身手,就赏一顶白玉冠吧。 2 明辞越是当朝唯一的王爷,天子没有血缘关系的异姓皇叔,人人颂他温润如玉,国士无双。 金殿之上的少年天子,旒珠衮袍遮掩下的肤白唇红,面容阴沉,贵若仙君。明辞越低下头,收回视线,将难言之欲压到眼底。 却忽然听到一个清稚的声音,龙椅好硌啊,屁.股痛,谁来救驾! 什么时候下班,空气好安静,没人听见朕的肚子叫吧 他诧异地抬眼望去,对上那道冰冷含霜的目光。 这一次,将那心声听得更为真切。 帽子好沉,脖子要断了,王爷何时篡位啊,朕快替你扛不住了!! 明辞越勾了唇角,他可是狼子权臣,野心很大,大到想当场将那高高在上的天子拉入怀中。…






【火爆玄幻】古文明重现! 焚书坑儒,焚的是何书,坑的又是何人?为何要筑十二金人建阿房宫?阿房宫真的被一把火烧毁?十二金人又下落何处?繁荣的诸子百家为何开始沉寂?始皇为何不顾反对坚持泰山封禅?长生炼丹之术,到底存不存在? 何方站在山巅上说了三个字:骚,浪,贱!
最新小说: 神见我都觉得刺激 斗罗大陆后卷 你能不能不撩我 橘生淮南·暗恋 绝世相师 神国之上 何以笙箫默 全职剑修 当年万里觅封侯 男配破产后[穿书] 狩魔猎人和他的小屋