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第820章 提亲



















金安国眉头微蹙,道∶ “你是介意我已经有了妻子吗?”











And relatively speaking, the relationship between the dragon and phoenix clan and closer, in important times unanimous, especially against the Behemoth clan. Just the Behemoth lineage is also strong enough, so we can still be peaceful.

So many things have happened recently during this time, and the fall of the Crystal Great Demon Emperor has forced the Rift Heaven Great Demon Emperor to think a little.

With the loss of the Crystal Great Demon Emperor, the Dragon Clan has become weak from its original strongest position. At present, purely from the battle power to analyze, undying great demon emperor ranked first, and then is the cracked sky great demon emperor. And the strength gap between the two sides is really not much. If we really want to fight, we don’t know who can occupy the winning position.

And now all the points of contention are on the Crystal City. Phoenix Demon tribe side, there is a crystal phoenix great demon emperor no main city, plus the Phoenix Demon tribe has as many as two emperors, really want to go all out to fight, is certainly the Phoenix Demon tribe more dominant wind. But in such a case, it would make the Phoenix Demon tribe stood in opposition to the Dragon tribe. This is undoubtedly a great thing for the Behemoth race.

Therefore, the first time the Split Great Demon Emperor chose to support the Dark Demon Great Demon Emperor, the Crystal City certainly does not want to continue to be controlled by the Dragon Race, but it is also more important not to fall into the hands of the Phoenix Demon Race ah!

And the other emperors who own the main city are mostly in a wait-and-see state. And for the side of the Tian Yu Empire, the bottom line is who will preside over the Crystal City, how can it not be tainted by the side of the Sun Chen Empire.

So now the relationship is in a very complicated situation, no one has the absolute strength to take the Crystal City, everyone is now in a stalemate.

In such a situation, the Heavenly Fox Demon Emperor approached the Rift Sky Demon Emperor and took the initiative to propose the marriage between Rift Sky City and Jiari City.

The Peacock Demon Race and the Phoenix Demon Race are known as the two strongest races in the sky, and the two are arch enemies. The Peacock Demon tribe’s support is obtained, and the future Mei Gongzi is likely to achieve a new generation of Peacock Great Demon Emperor. At that time, the cracked sky city has Jia Li city this firm ally, even if the dragon tribe again out of the emperor, can also be divided. The reason given by the Heavenly Fox Great Demon Emperor was that he wanted the Behemoth Giant Beast Race to help the Beautiful Prince purify away the human bloodline.

The Behemoth race already has the Rift Heaven Great Demon Emperor, in this case brother, Jin An Guo wants to achieve the emperor, in this pass of the emperor’s statement, will certainly be strongly opposed by the Dragon and Phoenix race. But the weak Jiali City in this regard instead of this problem, there is the support of the Great Demon Emperor of the White Tiger. The Sky Fox Great Demon Emperor’s intention is to help clean up the human bloodline from the beautiful grandson as soon as possible, and then support her to become an emperor as soon as possible, so as to occupy this imperial position and not let the foreign clans outside the goblin continent, nor let the elves and monsters clan occupy the spot.

The Crystal Great Goblin Emperor died, leaving behind the position of one powerful emperor, or two weak ones. Many emperors are now taking advantage of this opportunity in trying to improve themselves and thus occupy a few more qi, but under the perception of the Heavenly Fox Great Demon Emperor, the realm is now taking back this part of the qi as well. So, at times like this, there is nothing more important than grabbing it with an emperor’s entry into the throne.

And if Duke Mei becomes an emperor and marries with Jin An Guo, then, with her plus the support of the Rift Heaven Great Demon Emperor as well as the Heavenly Fox Great Demon Emperor, maybe Jin An Guo can also become an emperor while the Rift Heaven Great Demon Emperor is still alive. And at that time, the White Tiger Great Demon Emperor will also be the support. Splitting Heaven Great Demon Emperor Behemoth lineage will then be able to have the largest power in the Ancestral Court. This is the fundamental thing that moved the Splitting Heaven Great Demon Emperor. He also told all of his thoughts to Jin Anguo, otherwise, how would Jin Anguo, as the honorable Lord of the Split Sky City, come to this small remote city of Jiali City?

After seeing the beauty grandson’s stunning face, he had long since lost any semblance of resistance in his heart at this time, and was even somewhat looking forward to the completion of this union, which would undoubtedly be a great thing for it as well!

“I’m sorry.” While Jin Anguo was pondering the pros and cons of the whole thing in his mind, the voice of the beautiful gongzi rang out.

Jin Anguo gazed at her stunning face with a smile on his face, in his opinion, he had already given a great deal of sincerity. As the Rift Sky City Lord, and with the complicated internal situation on this side of the Heavenly Yu Empire at the moment, how could it not be busy? In this situation it is willing to stay and understand more between the beautiful grandson, there is nothing more sincere than this, right?

However, the next words of the beautiful son, but let Jin An Guo’s face sank.

The beautiful son said: “Lord Jin, thank you very much for coming. However, I have already made up my mind on the matter of marriage. There is no way to join with your city no matter what. Therefore, I do not wish to delay you too much, and I think the affairs of Rift Heaven City are quite heavy.”

Jin An Guo frowned slightly and said, “Do you mind that I already have a wife?”

The beautiful son shook his head and said, “It has nothing to do with that. I just have my own ideas.”

Jin An Guo blandly said: “Lord Mei, the situation on the continent is a bit complicated now. As you know, the Crystal Great Demon Emperor fell, thus emptying the Crystal City, which is now the object of competition from all sides. Without this first emperor, we are now unable to completely suppress the multitude of Heavenly Essence Emperors of the Sunstar Empire. The Crystal City is located near the Ancestral Court, and the right of belonging to it is said to be on either side is actually able to be argued. In this situation, all of our emperors are also very nervous. And we, the Behemoth lineage, are a strong clan with a long history, and we also hope to take advantage of this opportunity to be able to obtain more resources. If we join forces, then the immediate benefit will be better cooperation. The things acquired in the future will definitely have a share of Kerry City. Moreover, my father will also give his full support to you to become an emperor and support your future imperial statement. And even before supporting me.”

“The reason why my father raised an objection during your debriefing last time was because of the human bloodline in you. And if after our marriage, this aspect of the factor will also be greatly mitigated. My clan has a secret method that can eliminate weak bloodlines. Let you completely transform, but also through my clan’s secret method, to help you have a more powerful physique. In the future, with the support of my clan, even in a few years, you will have the possibility of becoming an emperor, becoming the new generation of the Great Peacock Demon Emperor. When the time comes, you can then reverse help me to become a king at the same time. At that time, there will be you and me, plus my father and the White Tiger Great Demon Emperor. We are the four emperors of one family. In the Ancestral Court will have the largest voice, and moreover have at least three main cities under control. Even the Dragon and Phoenix Clans will fall behind us. Wouldn’t this be perfect?”

The beautiful Duke said in a deep voice: “According to the rules of the Ancestral Court, it seems that intermarriage between main cities is not possible. If there is an intermarriage between the lords of the main cities, it will have a great impact on the balance of the Ancestral Court.”

Jin An Guo said: “The normal situation is like this, because the emperors cannot intermarry with each other, this is the rule of the ancestral court. However, you and I are not emperors. Inherently, they are not affected in this regard. Moreover, before you become an emperor, we can also maintain a relationship by way of hidden marriage. Secretly, it is to support each other. I can even promise you that our future child will be the next generation of Rift Sky City Lord. This is the greatest sincerity I can give.”

It had to be said that this goodwill of Jin Anguo was given very well. The Behemoth Clan was very attached to the purity of its bloodline, and if it joined with Prince Mei in marriage, the child would definitely not be a pure Behemoth bloodline. In this case to be able to commit to inherit Rift Sky City, that was quite something.

Unfortunately, no matter how much sincerity it gives, Duke Mei will never agree to its request for marriage.



命运天定?不,它只是随着指尖起舞的精灵。 悲伤的无奈,心灵的挣扎,黑暗的未来,看不到光明的希望,得与失之间的恐惧,都会随着黎明降落的星辰,让宿命丑陋的轨迹,划过优美的弧线! 当坐在王座之上,左手掌控命运,右手赐予造化!


我是乙女向游戏里的一个NPC,送个礼物涨好感度都懒的那种。 这个游戏里有个最难攻略的男主,所有人的HE都达成了,只有他的永远是BE结局。 论坛上已经把他吹捧上天,甚至万人血书求攻略。 只有我知道,这个男主,每天都会在没人的时候把礼物送给我,试图涨我好感度。 不对啊,我真的只是个路人NPC,还有,这是女主送你的礼物,你这样会注孤生的。 ·憨批小猫猫X霸道大西几 ·正宗傻白甜。 内容标签:幻想空间 星际 甜文 搜索关键字:主角:晨熙 楼狮 ┃ 配角: ┃ 其它:


世界各处,矗立着十二座通天神塔,传说这十二座通道神塔通往传说中的永生之路。但是通天神塔高不可攀,永无止尽。 上古传承,曾有千百种武道,但是沧海桑田,就只有三种武道传承下来,分别是炎武,龙武,星武。 三种武道强者辈出,追寻着那传说中的永恒之路。 一个星武者的撼世之路,红颜在侧,成就至高神王。






他这辈子只演好过一场戏。 就是假装不爱那个人。 内容标签: 娱乐圈 情有独钟 主角:顾言,秦致远…


未来波澜壮阔的星际时代,人类终于攻克了空间传送技术,可是当人类传送到另一端的时候,却发现那里并不是过去未来,也不是星空下的任何一片土地 神秘的庇护所世界,无数强横的异生物,人类迎来了令人热血沸腾的飞跃性大进化,开启了星空下最辉煌璀璨的新纪元。 猎杀神血生物黑甲虫,获得神血黑甲虫兽魂,食用神血黑甲虫血肉,可随机获得0至10点神基因。


该剧故事发生在一个叫七侠镇的地方,是关中一个不起眼的小镇。一个叫郭芙蓉的黄毛丫头初入江湖,欠下钱财,被困在能人辈出的同福客栈。故事从这里开始,依次引出佟湘玉、白展堂、吕秀才、李大嘴、莫小贝,以及邢捕头、燕小六、钱掌柜这几个性格各异、风趣动人的主人公,和一连串戏谑生动、引人入胜的故事。 整部戏层次分明,剧情发展十分合理,而且感情丰富,不仅有眼泪,有欢笑,有令人紧张的生死难关,也有令人感动的真情告白,堪称情景喜剧的经典之作!






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